Sunday, May 16, 2010

#25: write a list of 100 things that inspire me.

i subbed in a sociology/government classroom the other day and it was senior skip day, and 4 of the 6 classes i taught were majority seniors, so very few people were in the classes. the ones that were pretty much got down to work, and then just hung out talking to each other or listening to music, so when i wasn't talking to any of them, i was just sitting there, so i decided to start my list. apparently, i was feeling pretty inspired, because i knocked out the whole list, coming up with 120 items. some of it are things that inspire me artistically, some politically, some intellectually, and some just in general, in life. here we go!

....warm days....budding mother....the coalition of immokalee workers....the civil rights movement....really great teachers....vibrant colors....1920s, '30s & '40s imagery....howard action actions....strikes and worker-organized boycotts....meeting new people....political discussions....non-fiction books....exercise....belly dancing....a visually beautiful dessert recipes....bookstores....thrift store finds....cute journals....pen pals....things made from recycled writing/attitudes....queer theory....queer porn & erotica....gender bending/ friends....lively sea....the great lakes....travelling....the inca....the nahua/aztecs....the maya....the araucanians....the ezln....emiliano zapata....benito juarez....evo morales....cocaleros....machu picchu....llamas....nice yarn....indigenous myths....change....dark chocolate....biking....hairy legs & armpits....sewing machines....stacks of cups of tea....visits with friends....drawings of cameras....chunky necklaces....zines....cute co-ops....local farms....csa's....farmer's markets....old buildings....abandoned buildings....detroit....blair grinn....belle isle....cobblestone streets....emma goldman....the haymarket martyrs....lucy parsons....martin luther king jr.'s speeches....vandana travel....tom waits....cute dresses....old books....libraries....marquette....road grilled cheese sandwich ideas....small shows....mix tapes....lists....writing letters....prose....journalling....drag queens....drag kings....anti-capitalism....drawing....skeletons....airplanes....the human heart....frida kahlo....diego rivera....jose guadalupe posada....old delta blues....forests....crystal clear creeks & rivers....the upper peninsula....the circus....hip hop....long walks....adventure....ancestry....amanda cinco/my sister....wild lily of the valley....the (international) noise conspiracy....carrots....memoirs....photocopiers....


  1. Frida Kahlo!! I love your list. you rock, but we knew that already.

  2. of course i rock, with such awesome stuff in the world to inspire me!

  3. Very cool, love the list! I am now following you (84kitty from Swap-Bot)
