Sunday, January 16, 2011

#99: Watch 10 documentaries.

Completed 01.02.11

I've actually already watched 12 :]

#1: Stupidity. I blogged about this one here.

#2: The Yes Men Fix the World. Love, love, LOVE the Yes Men! I didn't like this movie as much as their first one (The Yes Men), but they never disappoint.

#3: The Business of Being Born. Such a great, powerful movie about the healthcare industry and birth. Anyone having a baby, or thinking of ever having a baby, should see it.

#4: The Garden. This is about a community garden in the middle of L.A., and the fight in the community to keep it. It's so infuriating, when the landowner tries to evict them, even though he's not going to do anything with the land!

#5: Super Size Me. Yep, I just got around to watching this. Mom had netflixed it and we watched it while on our summer road trip. I don't know what to say about it. I mean, I kinda already knew all of it, and I don't eat McDonald's anyways (or much fast food at all).

#6: You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train. Basically a biography of Howard Zinn, one of my favorite authors/activists/historians/intellectuals. A great man, with an inspiring life, whom we lost a year ago.

#7: Into the Arms of Strangers. About the kindertransport during the Holocaust, something I didn't know about. Thousands of children were sent to live with families in England to escape the war and Holocaust. Very interesting.

#8: Babies. Made me think a lot about life, growing, learning, culture and bonds.

#9: No Impact Man. About a family's attempt to live one year totally sustainably in the middle of New York. At the end, they realize how much they came to really really like. Some things, like not having a fridge or toilet paper, were a bit much for them to handle, but others they kept.

#10: Born Rich. This movie is about what you would expect. The children of money talking about their lives, spending money frivolously, owning multiple houses, there's so much pressure and problems in their lives, blah blah blah. It's made by a kid who was also born rich (Heir to Johnson & Johnson), looking at and talking about topics that are usually considered taboo in their worlds, but as an outsider, it just seemed predictable.

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